Monday, June 20, 2011

Project 365 Week 44

I took a couple of photos on my phone this week because I had forgotten the camera, but I didn't miss any days! It is getting to be a challenge for find new things to photograph!

6/13 The girls rolling down the hill in our backyard.

6/14 Rick playing soccer with his co-workers at lunch. (We like to come sometimes with a picnic lunch to watch.

6/15 Addy working on a puzzle at the library. She has been really into doing puzzles lately.

6/16 Ellie filling a bucket from the sprinkler.

6/17 What happened here? I'm not sure, but I can tell you what I think happened...
I think Will got bored in his crib during naptime and pulled the animals down from where they sit on the back of his crib. He threw the zebra overboard, and shoved the ostrich and giraffe through the slats where they got caught. Any other guesses? :)

6/18 All 3 kids playing with Duplos. The girls put them together in the form of houses, and Will pulls them apart.

6/19 Happy Father's Day. Here is Rick "nurturing" Will. ;) They have fun rough housing together.

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